Teresa Hall Bartels
Specialties include Leadership Development, Strategic Planning, Board Governance, Interim CEO, Fundraising, Business Development. Great listener.
We help individuals and organizations find out how to become exemplary leaders using evidence-based research, assessments, workshops and coaching. Based on the work of Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner in “The Leadership Challenge.”
We lead a confidential Vistage CEO Peer Advisory Board that exists solely to help high integrity leaders make great decisions that benefit their companies, their families and their communities. Open to qualifying CEOs, Presidents and Business Owners.
We examine external trends and internal strengths, tapping into multiple people’s perspectives. Then we map action plans leading to growth, profit, customer satisfaction, employee engagement and productivity.
Specialties include Leadership Development, Strategic Planning, Board Governance, Interim CEO, Fundraising, Business Development. Great listener.
Specialties include Business Development, Customer Service, Job and Career Search, Leading People in For-Profit, Government and Not-For-Profit Sectors. Asks great questions.
"They have been instrumental in preparing our organization for future growth in two key ways. First, through cultural and process alignment. And second, through leadership preparation and training."
"It’s clear that she cares deeply about our group and goes above and beyond expectations to create a truly unique experience for all of us. Thanks in large part to Teresa, my Vistage experience has been one of my most important career growth experiences and critical to helping me do my job."
"Teresa introduced me to The Leadership Challenge. Teresa's facilitation skills brought the material to life for me; and as a result, I was able to take my leadership to a higher level to be at my personal best."